35 events found.
Latest Past Events
No Sunday School or Worship on March 15, 2020
First Baptist Church Grayson 2142 Loganville Hwy, GraysonDue to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 and the strong cautions against public gatherings and their potential to facilitate the spread of the virus, we have canceled Sunday School and Worship for this week. This decision has not been easy. … Continue reading →
Valentine’s Day Luncheon
FBC Grayson - Family Life Center 2142 Loganville Hwy, GraysonPlease join us and your special someone for a Valentines luncheon after the Morning Worship service on Sunday, February 9. We will be having lasagna and Italian meatballs, along with salad and desserts.
Thanksgiving Luncheon
FBC Grayson - Family Life Center 2142 Loganville Hwy, GraysonSign up to attend our Church Family luncheon after Worship on Sunday, November 24 immediately after the Worship Service. The cost is $7.50 per person and children under 12 are no charge. Sign-up in your Sunday School class or in … Continue reading →