The Biblical History Center in LaGrange, GA is one of seven places in the world that the Israel Antiquities Authority has entrusted with a long term collection of their ancient artifacts. This outing will allow us to see how life was during Jesus’ day, from their dress, their buildings, the artifacts, and the Biblical meal. The cost per person is $40, which covers a guided tour, Artifacts gallery, and Biblical meal. Without the meal, the cost is $20.
A Biblical meal will be similar to the Passover meal of that time period; unleavened bread, fruits, nuts, herbs, lintel soup, salad (chicken will be served in place of lamb). There is a 10 person minimum for the meal. We could join another group if we don’t have 10 people doing the meal.
We will leave from the church by bus at 8 am to arrive at the Center in LaGrange at 10:15 am. ETA for returning to FBC Grayson is 4:30 – 5 pm.
There is a sign-up sheet in the Information Center. We will have to give a head count by 9/13.